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How To List Your Product In Gartson Rentals?

Gartson Rentals is a service that Gartson offers for the customers to easily find the items that they need for only a certain period. This is a great venue for both big shops and sellers that are still getting started to find more customers and increase their business sales.

1. To get started, you simply need to apply as a seller in Gartson, which is quite straightforward. For more information about applying as  a seller, visit:

2. Once you are an approved Gartson Seller, set-up your shop through Store Settings. 

Vendor Central > Settings > Store Settings

Know more about Store Settings

3. Once your store is set-up, you can proceed to the fun part - Listing Your Product. Go to Vendor Central > Products > Rentals and press/click the + sign.

4. Enter the Product Name and Slug. Then, click/press Save Product. 

Note: The slug will automatically update according to your product name but you can modify it if you wish to use something else.

5. You will be routed to the Edit Product page. Make sure to fill out everything:Product Details

a. Product Pricing
b. Availability
c. Product Images
d. Product Tags
e. Product Categories


 - Make sure to set the Product Type in Product Details to For Rent. Otherwise, it will be listed as Dry Goods.
 - Don’t forget to set the Regular Price in Product Pricing and the Stock Quantity in Availability for the Add To Cart button to show in customer view.

6. Double check your listing. Click View Product Page to see how it looks in the customer’s perspective.