Unleash the full potential of your store with a comprehensive and intuitive platform that allows you to customize, optimize, and streamline your entire shopping environment. From the smallest details to the grandest visions, the Store Settings empowers you to create a shopping experience that truly reflects your brand identity and exceeds customer expectations.

To view the Store Settings, go to Vendor Central > Settings > Store Settings.

Items To Customize Through Store Settings

The store banner will appear as the shop page\\\'s cover photo. To update the store banner, go to Vendor Central > Settings > Store Settings > Change Store Banner.

The store banner will appear as the shop page\\\'s profile photo. To update the store banner, go to Vendor Central > Settings > Store Settings > Change Store Feature Photo.

The Store Name will appear in the Product Name as well as in the shop page. The slug will be used as a shop URL unique extension. To update these details, go to Vendor Central > Settings > Store Settings > General Details..

In the Store Address, you can find the following information:
City & State - This information will be visible in multiple areas in the platform.
Additional Store Address Details - This will help the customers and shippers find your shop more effectively.
Map Address - This allows the shop owner to provide mor accurate location details.
To update these details, go to Vendor Central > Settings > Store Settings > Store Address.

In this section, you will set the bank details that will be used to receive your earnings.

What better way to let the customers learn more about your store other than Store Description. Using our extensive text editor, you have the power to customize how you introduce your shop.
Update these details by going to Vendor Central > Settings > Store Settings > Store Description.

To cater customer inquiries more effeciently, you can add the contact information(phone number & email address) to your store.
Update these details by going to Vendor Central > Settings > Store Settings > Contact Information.