Welcome to Vendor Central Coupons, the centralized hub for managing and optimizing your coupon campaigns effortlessly. This dynamic platform empowers administrators with powerful tools to create, track, and analyze coupon performance, ensuring a seamless and efficient promotional experience.

Here, you can find all the coupons that you have created. This tool lets you add and edit details such as the following:
Coupon Code
Set Limit Per Customer
Set Wether Percertaage or Fixed
Set Cart or Shipping
Set Vocher Description

To view this page, go to Vendor Central > Coupons.

To add a new coupon for your shop, go to Vendor Central > Coupons. Then, click the .

Check the following details when creating a coupon to make sure that it suffices your business needs.

Coupon Code
Set Limit Per Customer
Set Wether Percertaage or Fixed
Set Cart or Shipping
Set Vocher Description