Use the Customer Order List page to review orders placed by the specified sold-to customer.

In this page, you can view more details about the customer orders as well as do steps like tracking, changing status, and many more.

You can also filter the order list according to the following statuses:

These orders are orders that the customers placed but are not yet paid. Only non-COD orders may fall to these order status. COD orders will fall to Pending Orders once placed.

Pending orders are orders that are waiting for the shop\'s acceptance. For non-COD orders, orders will not be tagged as Pending until the customer creates the payment.

Completed orders are orders that have been confirmed by the customer to be received

Customer orders that have been marked by the shop as Shipped will fall under this status.

Cancelled orders are customer orders that have been cancelled by either the shop or the customer.

Alternatively, you can sort the order list by the following:

After choosing the order list by status, you can choose this option to organize the list from latest to earliest.

Alternatively, you can choose this option to organize the list from earliest to latest.
To access this page go to Vendor Central > Orders.