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What To Do With J&T Credentials?

Use your J&T Credentials to easily to fulfill Mall/Retail customer orders through their courier solutions. 

How To Fulfill Orders With J&T?

1. Once you click the Accept Order button through Vendor Central Orders, The View Waybill button will become visible in the Order Details. Click the button to retrieve the details that you need to create a waybill. You will need a waybill to ship the order items to the delivery address of the customer.
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
2. Using your device Internet browser, go to J&T Express VIP. Head to My Order > Create Waybill. Fill out the fields with the datails provided when you clicked View Waybill and click Order Immediately once the fields are filled out.
Screenshot 3
You should see the following message (See Screenshot 4) as an indicator that the order went through the system.
3. At this point, you can still edit the details of the placed order. You can do so by clicking the Order Number of the order in question.
Screenshot 4
Screenshot 5