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Order Page

The Customer Order Page contains all the information about a customer order to better manage the customer order.

This tool has the following:

Managing an order can become too taxing and time consuming. To know what to do next, you will have to check every notes that you have about an order. With the Next Step Options, the shop manager will know right away what next to take next. For instance, if the customer order has been placed, the only options that will be visible is to Accept The Order and Cancel Order. This can save the shop manager\'s time and allocate more of it in other important tasks.

The following are the options that may show as the next step option:

This option will show once the order is in processing status.

This option is visible in all stages of the order process except when the order is in Delivered status as order cancellation is not possible anymore.

This option will show once the payment has been made. For COD orders, this option will be visible after the customer places the order.

Reviews will be visible once the order is complete. This will allow the customer to add and view the review made for the order. This review will be visible in the product page view as well.

Order Messages let the shop owners and the customers communicate about specific orders.

In this page, you will see the following order details:

order type
order payment method
order status
store and customer details
product details (product thumbnail, name, quantity, and price)
shipping details (shipper, delivery status, order shipping destination)
order calculation (shipping fee, coupons, and order total)
customer contact details
order tracking information

To view this page go to Vendor Central > Orders. Then, click the order in question.